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Lift-Off Into Employment

Lift-Off – What is it?

East Dunbartonshire Council’s Lift-Off Grant has been introduced to help remove those last barriers to employment.

Lift-Off – How it may help?

Grants would be used to help pay to:

     - Cover the initial cost involved in accepting a new job or work.

Applicants must:

     - reside within East Dunbartonshire
     - be registered unemployed for a minimum of three months and available for work

Applicants must be registered unemployed for a minimum of three months and be available for work.

     - Awards will be to a maximum of £50
     - Applicants may only submit one application per year
     - Applicants will be required to show confirmation of employment

Information will be checked and verified for all applicants. Should you require assistance to complete this application then please contact:

Skills for Learning, Life and Work Team
East Dunbartonshire Campus of Further Higher Education
50 Southbank Road
G66 1NH

Telephone: 0300 123 4510 Ext: 4042
